Apr 14, 2023
Title: Cartography of forebrain projecting serotonin system
4月14日周五,伦敦时间下午5点30分,地址伦敦大学学院 (UCL) Wilkins Building Haldane Room,全英华人生命科学学会 (CLSS-UK) 与全英华人教授协会医学组 (ABCP) 将联合举办线下学术讲座。
本次讲座我们荣幸地邀请到了来自剑桥分子生物学实验室(MRC-Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge)的Jing Ren博士,报告题目为Cartography of forebrain projecting serotonin system。本次讲座提供线上和线下的参与方式,请大家填写报名问卷加入本次讲座的微信群(见下方“参会方式”)。我们也将为线下参与者们提供免费餐饮。
CLSS&ABCP medicine and health Joint Seminars 由帝国理工学院的马大青院士、伦敦大学学院的李会良教授,以及伦敦玛丽女王大学的陈桂芬博士协调组织,欢迎各位专家同事积极参与。
Jing pursued her Ph.D under the supervision of Dr. Minmin Luo, at the National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing (NIBS). She was awarded the Ray Wu prize in 2011. Her study revealed that neurons previously characterized as “cholinergic” in the medial habenula (MHb) co-released two classical neurotransmitters, glutamate and acetylcholine, and activate postsynaptic neurons via distinct transmission modes. This work, together with the findings of glutamate co-release with other classical neurotransmitters, redefined the influential Dale’s principle that a neuron releases only one classical, nonpeptide transmitter.
After that, Jing did postdoctoral research in Dr. Liqun Luo’s lab at Stanford University and started the journey of investigating the serotonin system. She has revealed that the dorsal raphe and median raphe contains parallel serotonin sub-systems, which lays the foundation for integrating anatomical, neurochemical, physiological, and behavioural functions of the serotonin system.
Jing became a junior group leader at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in January 2020.
本次讲座将由李文强龙(University of Oxford)主持。
Wilkins Building (Main Building,见下图),Haldane Room
University College London
Gower St, London WC1E 6AE

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